Request a VoteBuilder account. This is for Ward and Precinct Chairs
This takes you to the National Democratic Training Committee. You can sign up to take relevant online courses.
This is a tutorial on the use of VoteBuilder's MiniVAN, which is used as a canvassing aid.
Choose the Right VoteBuilder List
The VoteBuilder Service Team is ready to help you create the lists you need for your Democratic Party organizing work.
General information
Choose a standard list – or create your own custom list.
The main list types are described below. After deciding which type of list you want to request (or if you’re not sure which type makes sense for your needs), fill out the VoteBuilder Request Form to begin the process of getting your list, using it and entering data back into the VoteBuilder database. This last part, entering data, is very important, and we can help identify a method that will work for you.
Any of these lists can be tailored to your needs in terms of the number of people included, the specific geographic area you’re targeting and the party affiliations you want to include. If you’re not sure what specifics you want, we’ll be happy to help you figure out the best criteria to use to get a list that matches your needs.
We are not able to provide VoteBuilder data for campaigns. If you are running for office or working with a candidate, please contact the Democratic Party of New Mexico to access VoteBuilder for your campaign: 505-985-3988.
Finding Volunteers - Call List
This will be a list containing active Dems, those who vote most regularly. This would contain only voters with phone numbers in the system who can be called. The number of people included in the list can be tailored to how many you would like to call.
Finding Volunteers - Address List
This will be a list containing active Dems, those who vote most regularly. This would be organized by street and separated in to “turfs”, smaller areas walkable in a reasonable amount of time.
General Precinct Canvass - Call List
This type of list is used for getting to know the voters in your precinct, verifying addresses and contact information, finding people who need help registering, finding out who will need an absentee ballot or a ride to the polls, etc. It often includes just Democrats but could include other party affiliations depending on your needs. This would contain only voters with phone numbers in the system who can be called.
General Precinct Canvass - Address List
This type of list is used for getting to know the voters in your precinct, verifying addresses and contact information, finding people who need help registering, finding out who will need an absentee ballot or a ride to the polls, etc. It often includes just Democrats but could include other party affiliations depending on your needs. This list can also be used for mailings and lit drops.
Postcard / USPS Mailing List
This type of list would be used to create mailing labels to be printed on Avery 5160 labels for postcards or other types of USPS mailings.
Precinct General Reference (not used for a specific canvass)
This type of list is for a precinct chair to use to get a sense of who’s in their precinct and to use as a resource for keeping track of information gathered. This could be limited to Dems or include other parties as well.
Get Out the Vote (GOTV)
This type of list would be used near election time to target people we want to make sure are voting. Once early voting begins, and up through election day, this type of list can help target people who haven’t voted yet.
**NEW: Get Out the Vote (GOTV) - Text Banking
This type of list would be used near election time to target people we want to make sure are voting. Once early voting begins, and up through election day, this type of list can help target people who haven’t voted yet. The list would contain only voters with phone numbers that are marked as cell phones capable of receiving text messages. The number of people included in the list can be tailored to how many you would like to text message.