• 00Days Until Election

Ward and Precinct Grants

Application - Introduction

Up to $200 in reimbursements are available to wards and precincts for approved activities sponsored and executed by them in support of Democratic causes — such as getting out the vote, community building, voter registration drives, and other activities that help get Democrats elected. Precinct level activities should be coordinated with the applicable ward, and the chair will be responsible for submitting paperwork.

An individual ward or precinct may apply for more than one grant in a calendar year, but the maximum per grant is $200.

DPBC is a registered entity with the NM Secretary of State with strict guidelines on reporting every financial transaction. Funds cannot be reimbursed unless all the documentation is received, reviewed, and accepted.

Take note of who represents your Ward on the Finance Committee, listed below, since you will be asked to include that information on each form used to process the grant. He or she will work with you to answer questions and resolve any issues about the process. After you submit the Application Form, your contact will let you know if the application is approved and will assist you in processing reimbursements.

Click on the following tabs for more information about the application procedure, sponsorship, collaboration, and Reimbursement.

Please review all sections herein and consult with your financial representative before filling out the Application Form. When you have prepared your submission material, you can then submit the online Application Form, the link of which you will find in the Application Form tab, along with a list of things you will need in order to fill out the form. In the Application Form, the applicant will explain the purpose, offer details about plans and responsibilities, and outline the expected results. It must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of the event to ensure time to review the details and, if necessary, contact the requester when there are questions. If multiple wards choose to collaborate, a central contact person must be identified who will interact with the Finance Committee. They will also submit a Multi Ward Application Form that allows all collaborating wards to apply with a single application. For example:
  • Wards 20 A, B, and C band together
  • They designate Ward Chair B as the central contact person.
  • Chair B would contact the committee and indicate that:
    • A will request a grant for $180
    • B for $200
    • C for $120
    • Total of $500.
  • Then each chair could submit their own application and reimbursement forms, or Ward Chair B could submit all three in a Multi Ward submission.
Your Finance Committee representative will work with you to resolve any questions and let you know if the application is approved.

A DPBC Grant should be considered a Sponsorship. To help create awareness of the DPBC, and the DPBC Grant, recognition should be given, where appropriate.

For example, if a Grant is used to provide food for an event, notices of the event should state: Food sponsored in full by a DPBC Grant. Or ‘…sponsored in part… if the Grant only pays for part of the food.

If you have other sponsors (co-sponsors) of your event/expense, please indicate that on the Application Form. A sponsor is a person or entity who is helping to pay some expenses, provide support, including advertising, or provides in kind goods or services, such as food, paper for postcards, musicians, etc. The co-sponsors should also be recognized and listed in acknowledgements, unless a sponsor wants to remain anonymous.

It is permissible to apply for a Ward Grant when the Ward or group of Wards would like to jointly host an event with another organization. In this situation, approval of the proposal is contingent upon meeting all of the following criteria:

  • A representative of the co-sponsor organization and the DPBC Ward Chair(s) must schedule a meeting with the Finance Committee to review the event plans at least four weeks in advance of the event. Information about the co-sponsor should also be noted on the application form.
  • This meeting will include a discussion of the projected costs, details of the amount financed by the other organization, and the amount requested by the Ward Chair or Chairs. 
  • If a financial commitment is made by DPBC, all communication of the event via flyers, social media, etc. must  recognize DPBC as a co-sponsor.

Following the event or activity, each of the collaborating ward chairs should submit a Reimbursement Form describing the activity in detail and any benefits that were accrued, along with documentation of actual expenses. If an invoice is issued instead of a receipt, as some vendors do, the vendor should indicate that the invoice has been paid by cash, check, or credit card.

The online submission form has an upload field for your documentation.

Following approval of the documentation, the Finance Committee will issue a check for a maximum of $200 for each of the participating wards or precincts.  The check will be mailed to the person and address listed in each Application and should be received in 7-10 business days.

Allowable expenses: (examples only; not an exhaustive list)

  • Rental fees for use of a pavilion in a city park
  • Purchase of food and beverages for a picnic event (no alcohol)
  • Supplies for signs, clipboards, printer paper, etc.
  • Rental of sound equipment, purchase or rental of tables, tents, etc.
  • Hiring a band, motivational speaker, or interpreter (contract required)
  • Postcards or other get-out-the-vote mailed literature that does not specifically endorse any candidate. Postcards or literature announcing an event where candidates will appear are allowed, but campaign literature is not included.
    • Example of acceptable postcard: “join us for Ward XXX’s Summer in the Park event with Rep Javier Martinez, and others on May 19, at 4 p.m.. Hot dogs and beverages provided!”
    • Example of unacceptable postcard: “Senator Julie is the most qualified candidate for district xxx because……”
  • Purchase of radio ads, billboards, newspaper ads, etc. that are not candidate-specific.

Disallowed expenses: (examples only; not an exhaustive list)

  • Direct contributions to candidates or their PACs
  • Purchases of candidate-specific advertising material.
  • Purchases of alcohol (events may have alcohol), but you may not use grant money to purchase it. Note that any event on city property needs a city-issued alcohol permit. Costs of such permits are not reimbursable.
  • Payment for labor to work an event (only volunteers may work events)
  • Purchases of office equipment (computers, printers, etc.)  See DPBC leadership if you need these items.
Finance Committee Members and Assigned Wards
Kathy Economy:

15 A-E

24 A-D

27 A-D

30 A-D

31 A-D

Sally Hebert:

10 A-C

11 A-D

12 A-C

13 A & B

14 A-C

18 A-D

25 A-D

Nick Harrison:

16 A-C

17 A-C

26 A-C

29 A-C

68 A-C

Paul Timpane:

19 A-C

20 A-C

21 A & B

22 A & B

28 A-D

The Application Form allows you to explain the purpose of the grant, offer details about plans and responsibilities, and outline the expected results.

It must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of the event for review and to contact you if there are questions. If there is a co-sponsor, it will be necessary to have a meeting that includes the co-sponsor at least four weeks in advance.

The form will require the following information:

  • Your contact information and the names of collaborators and co-sponsors, if any 
  • The date of the proposed event or project, along with a description of planned activities and approximate number of attendees 
  • Details of the program and/or description of activities
  • Expected outcomes 
  • The names of principal speakers or attendees 
  • Expected expenses, by item. For multi-ward engagements the form provides separate accounting for each ward’s item and expenses.
  • Any other relevant information 

If you have more than about 10 expense items, you can categorize them on the application, and include an upload with a more detailed list.

If the event has co-sponsors, outlining their contributions and estimated expenses will give the Finance Committee an idea of the nature of the relationship. Co-sponsors are not eligible for reimbursement.

Following completion of the event or activity, each ward and precinct that has expected funds may apply for reimbursement. For multi-ward events the principal ward chair will ensure that each participating ward completes the form separately.

You will need to provide:

  • Contact information 
  • Name and address of the person to whom a reimbursement check is to be sent
  • Overall description of the event or activity 
  • Approximate number of attendees 
  • Details of program and/or description of activity 
  • Names of principal speakers or attendees 
  • Actual outcome(s) including follow-up activities 
  • Actual expenditures by item 
  • Applicants will need to upload scans or photos of itemized receipts for each listed expense. If an invoice is issued, it should be marked by the vendor as paid and indicate the type of payment. (Cash, check, or credit card)
  • Indicate if you or others would be willing to be part of a follow up with your Finance Committee Representative to discuss your experience with the Ward Grant Process. You can also leave comments on the form.
  • Indicate if you or others would be willing to talk about your experience at a Monthly DPBC Executive Committee Meeting. Someone will contact you to arrange a time.